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Innes Eye Clinic Blog

Eyewear Style: Rectangle Frames
Eyewear Style: Rectangle Frames
January 18, 2023

Adding some angles to your eyewear game is in. Rectangle glasses are the perfect way to complement various face shapes and…

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Eyewear Trends for 2023
Eyewear Trends for 2023
December 16, 2022

Glasses are a fashion statement. They take your appearance to the next level and bring out your personality. If you pride…

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tips for finding the perfect glasses
Three Helpful Tips for Choosing the Right Glasses
December 8, 2022

Many of us spend plenty of time in front of the mirror trying on different pairs of glasses. It can be…

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Pink Eye
Everything You Need to Know About Eye Infections
November 23, 2022

Usually caused by bacteria, fungal or viral factors, eye infections can be a serious problem. There are various types that have…

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How to Choose the Best Type of Eyeglass Lens
November 9, 2022

It’s no secret that our eyes help us see the beautiful world around us. Glasses continue to make this possible for…

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Everything You Need to Know About Glaucoma
Everything You Need to Know About Glaucoma
October 26, 2022

Glaucoma is a condition that affects more than 400,000 Canadians and is one of the leading causes of vision loss. There…

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Can You Sleep With Contact Lenses In?
Can You Sleep With Contact Lenses In?
October 12, 2022

Like many contact lens wearers, you may have fallen asleep with your contacts in during an accidental nap or after a…

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The Importance of Regular Eye Exams
The Importance of Regular Eye Exams
September 22, 2022

Many of us put off getting our eyes checked out by an optometrist until there is an issue. While this might…

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Tips for Putting in Eye Drops
Tips for Putting in Eye Drops
September 8, 2022

Whether you suffer from dry eyes or another condition that requires the regular use of eye drops, know that nobody really…

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5 reasons to consider contact lenses
5 Reasons to Consider Contact Lenses
August 25, 2022

Vision plays a key role in our lives, and as much as you love being able to see, glasses can be…

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