Did you know that vision impairment is largely caused by cataracts? In fact, this eye condition affects millions of adults over the age of 40 every year. The good news is that when caught early, it can be slowed or even prevented. But if left ignored, it can also worsen over time and eventually lead to blindness. Cataracts form as the clear lens within our eye hardens and deteriorates, leaving behind blurry, dull vision that can make it difficult to see, especially at night. This can occur in one eye or both. If you’re concerned about your vision, here are 5 signs that you may be developing cataracts. If you have one or a few of these signs, it’s time to get your eyes tested.
Unclear, Cloudy Vision
Blurred, dull, and cloudy areas of vision are the main characteristics to look out for. These are the most common signs of cataracts, but they can be difficult to detect, especially early on. If you notice consistent cloudy spots when looking around, it might be time to have your eyes examined.
Night Vision is Impaired
Do you find it difficult to see properly at night? This could be a sign of cataracts too. In addition to blurred vision, cataracts can gradually dim your vision, making it particularly hard to see objects clearly in dark environments.
Your Eyes are Sensitive to Light
A keen sensitivity to light can also be a telltale sign of this common eye condition. For those who feel the need to squint intensely during brightly lit environments on a frequent basis, you should talk to your doctor as it could indicate an underlying problem.
You Experience Sudden Headaches in Bright Environments
Oversensitivity to light can also lead to sudden headaches. Taking medication might dull the pain, but if this pattern persists regularly when exposed to bright lights, don’t ignore it.
There’s a Noticeable Glare
Since the lens of the eye gradually deteriorates with cataracts, it can start to refract light as it enters the lens. This can produce a glare or halo-like ring across your field of vision. Though you might not pay much notice during the daytime, it may become obvious in darker environments. Take note if you do see a glare and make an appointment to have it looked at.
Get Your Eyes Tested
Since cataracts can develop very slowly and go undetected, it is imperative to pay a regular visit to your eye doctor and let them know about any potential signs that you notice, even if they appear minor. This is especially important if you have a history of cataracts in your family.
Cataracts are treatable and even preventable when caught early. But they can also lead to blindness when the symptoms are ignored. Come Laurier Optical today to get your eyes tested.