Your eyes are both fascinating and magnificent organs that help you experience feelings and thoughts through processed images that are interpreted by our brains. But still our eye health is often taken for granted. And with all the myths out there about your eyes, it’s hard to know what to believe. So, we’ve put together 5 fun eye facts that everyone should know when it comes to maintaining optimal eye health.


Excessive TV Watching Will Not Damage Your Eyes

There’s no real evidence to prove that watching a lot of TV can damage your eyes. It may however, tire your eyes from the constant strain and movement, but it will not cause any type of permanent damage. If your eyes start to feel strained, simply rest them for a few minutes away from the TV.


Clear Prescription Lenses Can Also Protect Your Eyes From The Sun

Yes, that’s right! You don’t necessarily need sunglasses to protect your eyes from the UV rays. Clear prescription lenses with UV blocking agents can equally protect your eyes. That’s because it’s the UV agents that are blocking the damaging sun rays – not the shading effect of the sunglasses. The shading effect also works to cut down the glare. So make sure you have a good UV blocking agent in all your eyewear.


Wearing Wrong a Prescription Won’t Permanently Damage Your Eyes

Many people believe that if you wear the wrong prescription for too long that you will permanently damage your eyes. While it may cause deterioration of your vision and eyestrain, it won’t cause lasting harm. You may, however, experience side effects, such as headaches, neck pain, burning eyes and some blurry vision. Plus, if your glasses are not optimally fitted, then you won’t be experiencing your full vision. So make sure to get regular eye exam so you can receive the right prescription for your eye condition.


Your Eyes Can Pinpoint Other Health Concerns

When doctors look into your eyes they can see a lot more than we can. Your eyes can also reveal any health issues in your body. It’s also the only place you can see blood vessels and a part of your brain – the optic nerve. Your eye exam can be the first indicator into diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, as well as revealing symptoms of autoimmune disease, cancers, and allergies, among other health concerns.


Your Eye Exam Checks For More Than Just Eye Sight

As technology has improved, our visual stimulation has also increased. So it’s important to check your vision health as often as possible, which you can do as part of your yearly check-up. By scheduling a comprehensive eye exam, your doctor will check for much more than just the condition of your eyesight. It also includes neurological function, pressure, muscle coordination, internal and external eye structures.

Our sight helps us navigate through our lives, so we must ensure that we do everything possible to maintain optimal eye health. If you’re overdue for an eye exam, reach out to your local eye doctor to schedule an appointment.