Ocular migraines typically trigger loss of vision and they may even contribute to blindness for a short period of time (temporary blindness). Some migraines of this type cause people to go blind for sixty minutes or less. Ocular migraines usually occur following migraine headaches and they may be referred to as retinal, monocular or ophthalmic.


These Migraines are Uncommon


These types of migraines don’t happen very often. They afflict one in two hundred migraine sufferers. In most cases, the symptoms that are triggered by these sorts of migraines occur due to underlying health issues. In order to have your condition diagnosed accurately, you’ll need to be examined by a health care pro.


Since the symptoms of ocular migraines are similar to the symptoms of other diseases or health conditions, accessing a proper diagnosis is really important! It’s all about protecting your health and ensuring that you have access to the right treatments for your needs.


What Are the Symptoms?


An array of symptoms may crop up when an ocular migraine begins and throughout its duration. Common symptoms of ocular migraines include blind spots within fields of vision, blindness in eyes and a sensation of seeing flashing lights. These types of headaches will usually last for up to three days and they often cause more symptoms on one side of a person’s head.


Pain is typically described as moderate to very painful. This pain has a pulsating quality and pain may increase when the person is physically active. Some people may throw up or have sick stomachs during ocular migraines. It’s also possible to have increased sensitivity to lights and sounds during migraine episodes. One key signal that it’s an ocular migraine is that vision loss afflicts one eye only.


Why Do These Migraines Happen?


The exact cause of these migraines hasn’t been isolated via clinical studies. However, medical experts tend to believe that ocular migraines are triggered by spasms within the blood vessels of the retina. These spasms spark alterations in nerve cells within the retina.

Those who suffer from these types of headaches must take care, as they will increase their risk of having long-term vision loss in one of their eyes. Some people try to offset the risk – and feel better – by practicing preventative care, via tri-cyclic anti-depressants or anti-seizure drugs. However, clinical studies don’t pinpoint the effectiveness of these experimental treatments.

Now that you have the inside scoop on ocular migraines, you’ll be empowered to protect your health. If you have more questions, speak your doctor or optometrist at Laurier Optical Innes Eye Clinic today.