It’s more common than you may think for infants to need a pair of eyeglasses. And because of their age and inability to properly communicate, you might not easily detect an underlying vision problem. Regular regular check-ups with your pediatrician can help ensure that symptoms are identified and addressed as early as possible. But it’s also important to be in the know about potential eye conditions that could impact your baby, and how children’s glasses can improve their chances for healthy vision. Does your infant need glasses? Here are some common symptoms that will indicate that they might.

Reasons for Infant Glasses

Babies don’t develop vision for distance until they are around 12 months old, but if they are showing signs that their sight is not developing properly, they will be prescribed glasses. The most common reasons for children’s glasses include lazy eye, cross-eyes (known as esotropia), outward eyes known as exotropia, nearsightedness, and farsightedness.

  • Lazy eye (amblyopia) is a condition that occurs when one of the eyes either crosses or turns outwards. Common symptoms of amblyopia include wandering eyes, poor depth perception, and inability to coordinate eyes.
  • Cross-eyes (esotropia) and outward eyes (exotropia) are conditions in which both eyes turn either inward or outward. These conditions are easy to detect and are distinguished by both eyes that don’t move in unison or don’t look in the same direction.
  • Nearsightedness (myopia) happens when the cornea of your child’s eye is curved too steeply or when a child’s eyeball is too long from front to back. As a result, your child will see distant objects as blurry and close objects as clear.
  • In farsightedness (hyperopia), distant objects appear clearer than near objects. As a result, your child might experience difficulties focusing on the world around them, especially on close-up objects.

Signs of Vision Problems

A close up of a baby's blue eye.

As your baby grows, it is important to pay close attention to the first signs of vision disorders. Of course, due to their age and development, it’s often tough to know if they have vision problems. So, if you notice any of the following symptoms, connect with your pediatrician to ensure the necessary testing to diagnose a potential vision problem is done, and from there, they can suggest treatment options.

Not Following Objects with Eyes

Babies are born with blurry vision, but as your baby’s sight develops, they will begin to follow items with their eyes. They should be capable of this by 2 months old and even have enough eye and arm coordination to bat at nearby objects by 3 months old. If you notice that they are not following objects, this may be a sign of an eye condition.

Frequent Eye Rubbing

Infants rub their eyes for all kinds of reasons. It’s common for them to do this after they wake up from a nap or if they are tired. However, infants who frequently rub their eyes may be doing so because they experience eye fatigue from straining to see clearly. This could indicate an underlying problem, like myopia or nearsightedness. 

Keep in mind that if your infant’s eyes appear red before or after rubbing them, it may be a sign of allergies or infection.

Misaligned Eyes

When your baby is growing, it’s normal for their eyes to wander around, but if you notice your baby has crossed eyes or eyes pointing outwards for a portion of the time, you’ll need to schedule an eye exam. Your baby’s eyes may become misaligned for a number of reasons, including muscle dysfunction, so catching this early is key for long-term vision correction.


If your infant has a refractive error like myopia or hyperopia, they may have trouble focusing on objects. By squinting, your child may be attempting to temporarily improve the clarity of their image. Some squinting may be the result of general tiredness, but if it’s a frequent or constant behaviour, it would be beneficial to schedule an eye exam.

Covering One Eye or Tilting Head

If your child’s eyes are misaligned or they suffer from a lazy eye, they may cover one eye or tilt their head in an attempt to adjust the angle of vision and improve the image clarity. This is because strabismus—the technical term for lazy eye–can cause a loss of depth perception, decrease of sight in the affected eye, or double vision.

Benefits of Infant Eyewear

Baby looking through red glasses.

Treating vision concerns early on can reduce the need for other treatments in the future. For example, if your child is showing signs of having a more dominant eye, your pediatric optometrist may suggest that they use children’s glasses to help train the brain to better utilize both eyes. Since your child’s brain is still developing, using glasses now will be more effective than implementing them as your child grows older.

All in all, the key benefits of children’s glasses include:

  • Improved vision, which enables your child to function better in their environment.
  • Strengthening weak vision associated with lazy eye.
  • Straightening crossed or misaligned eyes.
  • Protecting the stronger eye when the other eye has poor vision.

Glassware Safety

There are kid-friendly eyewear that are safe for babies. The frames are soft and bendable, so they won’t harm the skin or eyes, and they’re extra durable. Plus, they come fitted with a stretch band that ensures they stay right in place.

Getting your infant the vision treatment that they need now can help prevent future vision problems as they develop into teens and enter adulthood. Children’s glasses are perfectly safe and practical for your toddler.

When to Schedule Your Infant’s First Eye Exam 

Baby getting eyes examined.

Since it can be difficult to detect vision problems in babies and toddlers, scheduling a professional eye exam for them early on is crucial. At Laurier Optical, we recommend parents bring their children for their first eye exam as early as six months old.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make my infant wear their glasses?

Create a positive environment around wearing glasses. The first few times they wear their new glasses, put on their favourite show or read them a book. Ensure that the glasses fit properly and comfortably, and consider using a glasses strap to keep them in place.

How early can babies wear glasses?

Babies can wear glasses as soon as a correctable vision problem is detected, usually around a few months of age.

How do they test infant eyesight?

Infants can’t read off an eye chart, but their eyes will still react to stimuli. Because of this, infant’s eyes are tested by their ability to follow an object, and their pupillary response to having a light briefly shone in their eye.

At what age do babies need an eye exam?

Even if you don’t notice any of the warning signs we’ve mentioned, babies should have a newborn eye exam between 6 and 12 months old.

At what age is a baby’s vision fully developed?

By 4 months, they should have developed depth perception, allowing their eyes to work together, and by 12 months, they should be able to see at an adult level.

Speak to the Professionals

Without a doubt, optimal vision is key to proper development in childhood. Identifying and treating the problem early may not only help your infant feel more confident in their environment, but it can often prevent more serious problems down the line.

Has your child presented symptoms that indicate they might need glasses? Schedule an appointment at Laurier Optical, and we’d be happy to discuss your baby’s eye health.