Have you ever wondered why some people have perfect vision, but some don’t? In fact, very few people have 20/20 vision and there are many different medical reasons why some of us need glasses. Here we’ll explore why some people need glasses all of the time or some of the time, while others don’t require any.


Many people have issues seeing objects that are far away. This vision correction is called myopic or nearsighted, which means they can only see objects close up. When they look at objects that are at a distance away, the image appears fuzzy and out of focus. The reason this happens is that the physical length of the eye is longer than the optical length. So instead of having the image focus directly on the retina, it focuses in front of it.


Those that can see things far away but not up close are called hyperopic or far-sighted. This correction happens when the image is focused directly behind the retina and not on it. In most cases, this occurs when the eyeball is quite small or has a weak focus.


Another reason why some people do not have perfect vision is because of the shape of their eyeball. A normal eyeball is perfectly round. If you have an irregularly shaped eye that is more like a football, you are known to have astigmatism. With astigmatism, light is bent more in one direction than the other, and only part of an object will be in focus. Fortunately, you can fix this problem with glasses, contacts, or eye surgery.

Why Eye Differences Occur?

In most cases, the above vision issues are natural where people are born with it. However, you can also obtain a vision problem from an eye injury, disease, or an improperly performed surgery.

Correcting Vision Issues

If you don’t have perfect vision, eyeglasses and contact lenses can be worn to correct any of the above vision issues. By way of convex or concave shaped lenses, eyewear works to bend the light that enters the eye in order to focus the image and produce a clear view.

We hope we’ve helped you better understand why some people have perfect vision, and why others don’t. But if you want to learn more about vision corrections or get your eyes checked for any of the above conditions, come visit us at Laurier Optical and our onsite staff will be happy to assist you!